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Children and Youth

As a child, when you begin to remember the things you brought to this life to look for, you are usually drawn to art forms because they have the fastest source of delivery from those pictures to you, the child observer, to find things you recognize that may be important for this life time to work with such imagery.   


What are you to do if you are sleeping and you are out of bed flying and then falling into your body on the bed startled waking up?  Who is this now?  You are an observer in the biology you  are wearing, it is your property.  You use it to observer and to engage life so what is happening if you are flying out in dreams?  Birds do this, what is wrong with you?  You are supposed to be a kid...yet it is happening.  Wow.   So there is more to you.  If you see  other kids, do they know this about you?  That you fly like a bird in your dreams if it happens to you?  The bird is magical, it lifts your knap sack off you, your stuff in your pocket, everything, makes you weight less and takes out sickness, worry, crying, yelling takes it all out its called unanchoring reality, yours.   Then you wake up and are refreshed and expanded some how then you know you've been somewhere set free completely in the dreams.  You get up  and have rearranged your cells a bit, you may move faster and be more agile at sports and notice things more, this happened in life not death in dreaming state.   


The men in the skies in space ships long ago had to dream of flying like birds when they were awake, maybe they had dreams like you when they were children too.  We used to have them too one day you  may read about this when you are older in my books, some are building them again. 


This is a page for you to learn what the observer is and how it works a little better, you.


Well if you read it you know now what it is that flies you at night healing and growing you.   There is no one else and if family is not perfect. remember you are it that observer there for yourself and when you know this you love others better not from, I have to, from wanting to observe and share your experience of life with others genuinely.






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This is a brilliant piece of music, do you know what it is?  If you want, take it to band and play it to find out if your teacher is into mysteries and adventure.  It is a piece of music I like that reminds me of Golden City forming.  Golden City is a magical place  Marilyn Starlight is creating that has things like this in it, discovery of brilliant things to do, to read or participate in.  Then when you do it and sit at the end of the day in a magical state of mind about it, you know you were there and out of the ordinary day.  It will grow as we progress through life, and  is for both children and grown ups.  When you use Le Petite Soleil you help create it a little in your own world.  You will also find real things about it world for as the magic lives within you forever, so the outer world is formed by how that mind builds it as you grow up in the world.  If you saw shows or films you wished were real  they were so good, but were over and the reverie ended, this is real we all make it real who build it together.  


You can make something for it to keep if you want to be a Golden City junior builder there is a little object you can make with your parents. My adult people did this who follow my work.  You find a round stone and use gold acrylic paint and a little brush on it, you paint a gold star like in the painting on the left, 8 points, without the dots is fine, they are used when the reality is forming from something you are focusing on coming down.


Then let it dry. On the back your initials.  Dry each side before painting the other.  Keep this to remember you are the Little Sunshine who knows the Le Petite Soleil and how to create.   The star is your tool let it remind you of the star like gamma wave brain pattern within the observer, you use to create your life.  Use it in your Le Petite Soleil beam your focus at it for your order of  the day and when you have it with you, you will remember it. 


An invocation from your observer is very powerful it is binding to form the biology in a way that you decide and enact from your sovereign state just like you formed in the mothers womb so you form from your own direction and will. So for example if you feel strongly about it you can vow to do this, "I am divine observer growing up to be Golden Humanity, I am always strong healthy, I never get sick or old I am all powerful and can create anything in my life."  The author did this and stopped ageing, it is documented in her book Angel of Starlight and to her students who also stopped ageing all of them. She no longer got sick for years,  is a real Angel of Science like a fairy princess, not fiction like in movies, real and it is why the great ships in the sky also came to see her about all this.  She made such a vow and the gamma firing in her brain turned to strong force and took her whole biology to a state glowing like a gold rose star and back to earth down solid, she was transformed never dying again. 


The blue men in the skies are like green water shimmering with gems tones they also stopped ageing and dying for real men from andromeda on the big ships.  they came to see the artist after she ascended not dying taking her whole body to a glowing gold star stare then back down.   They had done the same thing in Andromeda. 


If you took the vow to grow up as Golden Humanity and be a Golden City builder in your own life, you are like a secret agent.   No one will really know about you for now but if you have a school project or drawing put a star on it like on the painting without dots is fine.  The dots mean this:  you are working on it happening.  It is coming down all around you.  Those who know about it will see the star and know who you are it is enough for now.  


What do you do?  Live, be happy care for yourself and your life find things to be glad you are alive and observing the world around you every day.  See the observer in all people and if they forget who they are when they are grouchy as it, forgive and move on to your own life to be happy.   Watch for more Golden City stuff growing in the world both from me others and in your  own lives know you changed forever to more wake and with a purpose in your lives to become extraordinary as you grow up.  Magic is real you make it happen.  You will understand when you are older and study more about this how serious it is and a new science emerging. 


Youth enjoy the page also and you may participate same as the children.  Never agree to die for anything, live for it instead your  life your joyfulness your success and unfolding life.   Read Angel of Starlight when you can, it has everything you need to understand your observer better and how it works and how phenomenon happens to Golden Humanity from the author's experience of something very important, even before that, it explains it with science and a physics dictionary helps in reading it.



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New!  Angel of Starlight 

Click on picture on left to begin reading the book!  If you like it you may buy it.  

If you are 16  year of age or older you may begin to read this book and understand it.   It is Golden City reading material and has science theory in it on important thigns to do with human consciousness and the observer, what it can do, where it really came from and what the artist is as her experience and phenomenon she is  known for that she accomplished many years ago.  Your page has this book children, you may show it to grown ups if you like.  Grown ups who read the books written by the author and artist, will build better if they are in important work especially.  The books refresh the mind of the observer significantly.  Parents may become more spectacular parents also anything can happen. 


What if people dont believe you?  Show them this book they need it.  Otherwise there is a good section for grown ups on meeting others for coffee you will understand also about how much information people can handle who have not learned yet the work, not much they have to read about it first.  You are not the teachers of it don't worry about it, just be a kid and let them see the stuff that has what they need if they are out to lunch on you and what you are learning.   Same thing happened to the author and artist, even though there were TV shows about this,  people were out to lunch on her and needed to read it.   



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