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For those working with the author Marilyn Starlight's work she has created the alchemist's stone in modern original art form.  These are hand painted on both sides with the author's signature to use as a point of contemplation for the work.  The first side contains a floating cuneiform star indicating the observer's higher consciousness state used during creation of work or goals to have a quantum state arrive with results.  The cuneiform symbols have been used since the first civilization it is one of the most powerful languages and the root of all languages humans use today when you're it to focus it is like going to the top of the company the CEO for results because like subquantum land is curled up subatomic into atomic so is cuneiform language curled up as a quantum reality of languages metaphorically speaking, in all languages on earth. That takes big chunks of quantum illusion of time out of your day when you use these, we had very larger brains during g the first civilization the size of a room were over 100 feet tall as skeletons found prove. This was the language of the big gods we were long ago and has resounded since thousands of years ago, Asian people and others recognize the language and when westerners read it, they will know their fellow man better as well as more united in understanding because they wrote this language also long ago and the race travelled to other areas of the world with it, artifacts have been found to support this. for more information on this read the authors books you may find on the Golden City books link. 


The floating star is the observer receiving what it is ordering up from quantum land through its work and dedication to an occurrence of it culminating in success it may come from any direction as it is approaching. It means the divine observer, not unlike successful VIP which broadcasts its success impending, and the field comes together for this end.  In ancient times the checkerboard of the ancient alchemists who wielded the first sciences that were early quantum mechanics; they pointed to the large cosmic model in the sky and built technologies from including the first space craft documented in the early tablets of human not Extra-terrestrial origin. The info was carried to hieroglyphs of the next great civilization of ancient Egypt that in order to understand correctly you may study cuneiform as outlined in the author's books from that you can decipher any ancient language on earth. On the royal blue square you are on ether creating your idea on the gold square you stand on your creation coming down swiftly as a metaphor for how it works with quantum physics.  It is the way stars form from the vacuum.  It is an advanced board some people paint to contemplate and place their stones upon it in contemplation. It is not a game to beat others, it is your own work. You will find when you create and make your way across the board you will turn, and it is now gone. You are in local space time not the past. So you reload a new board within your board. There is no linear time of the aged programming of the mind.


The fish is a sacred symbol of the great builder or mason or creator observer or god, who is  swimming in ether like the fish are in water.  The ancient space ship builders knew this that all around us is either that if you shed mass with technology built right the ship will be anti-gravity floating like the fish all around in the water do as metaphor but youre using the star power on the back high force of hyperspace gamma it is strong force technology and brain wave is strong force focusing using it affecting DNA to one day run exuberantly and appear a block down it carried you,  your observer, gamma firing in the brain and nerves and spine. That is like the fish now beating death of NDE, where you go to the same place, but the body is lying there in suspended animation in NDE, with your focus now, the whole human body is teleported forward.  Why do you need this?  Because like Buddhists chant like bees the sound of souls gone to the deceased state flying, shave their heads, the look of people whose hair singed off when a star goes red at the end of its cycle and when they renounce their materialism is when the spirit departs to die from the end of a solar planetary cycle, the color of orange robes is when the star goes red orange and dies they know this wearing its flames to their deaths some know to be a deeper truth about religion. 


Christians have the gold level of Christ glowing on a cross demonstrated on their implements of their religion, however unable to complete a teleportation die is buried in the shroud of Turin and so on in different religions incomplete information.  Religion left the technologies out to save mankind, or people would have lifted off in ships from laboratories who built them or bought them buy now not attended sermons and lectures of their offerings. The proof is there. They do not build the old religions anything but worship centers where the feeling insider is of antiquity for this reason they pray to the god that begot them early cosmos that is now new stars and galaxies, past  their point  of origin where youre today in a new one so the centers feel old inside the history of the god force is like the checker board rolled up youre in a new cosmic quantum continuum is why.  Billions of people who followed religion are stuck here if global warming from 50 hypergiant stars reported by science trillions of times bigger than the sun go off and did in fact creating worm holes criss crossing the galaxy and causing our current wobble.  This will pass like it did in andromeda and we will have less magnetically tight spin, but it will cool a bit the local sun is old if you compare the plasmic activity off it to Pleiades you will find it is a like thin stone in the sky a time bomb that is the global warming main concern now when it runs out.    Religion will take you nowhere at that time they are not builders of more than their worship centers  they are followers, the old religions, missing the first science decoded correctly of quantum mechanics written in my books and governments are using it to build anti-gravity shared it they said it is the latest on freemasonry about the builders the new science the author Marilyn Starlight provided to them.  The fish symbol and teleportation for example of a person, allows you to learn how to take the entire garment up to move through the negative space and other levels of hyperspace higher, usually resulting a portion of the population to be able to rid anti-gravity ships to safety to another place.   For the beings understand the since of their DNA capability they did not before decoding and enact in other philosophies new age or religion to do two things stop illness ageing and accept the new quantum state of the biology. Those who follow the new science and do, the authors students did this, stopped ageing and illness, have this understanding for their genetics from pure study and application of the work only!   That is the gate way of Golden City realized the authors construct for modern times of the great awakening of meaning to the ancient first language carried forward in understanding to function fully genetically in our embodiments. For those who cannot handle it or are violent towards it, revealing the hidden insanity in a portion of the population,  we say to you goodbye you may revisit this info in your next life those who like it and enact it, you are more together t in the future for solutions to your own creations worked upon and to big issues as mentioned here about global warming caused by an ageing star in the sky ours and planetary response.  


When you cast a cuneiform stone into the future as metaphor,  into the ether of your  concentrated consciousness directed by yoru observer, you are creating a pathway out of the stronghold of the rest of the world who is afraid to do so and argues or is violent against such recreating only old technologies and accepted conduct by masses dictating life which leaves out innovation sciences and those who have suffered horribly to  bring you new information and such innovation till the stubbornness leaves through education of self with things given to look at for that assistance.   If you are unsure about sharing ideas with another draw the 8-pointed star, see if they recognize it, if not it is wise in these times to wait, or you may share the site info here. There re children who follow the authors work for kids and do this to see if there's a common language with a potential friend or if there may be miscommunication till the other one gets the information later.  The author states it is important to allow people to make their own decisions about their realities. Always decode your belief to know what you aspire to and how the reality may unfold for you many who did this later wer shocked at what they thought was there for them was not was understanding of death and netherworld defined only in most new age and religions about being one with all that is and detaching from things material that occurs in death state largely taught as philosophy of how to be a better person from and new age thought and religion! That is why space programs were stuck going to MARS and some people were building ships to transport humans to a planet hotter than the earth warming of global warming later experiencing explosions and mechanical failures.  Society has been stuck in this quantum field for many decades, it was evident in news and A and E projects of sci fi for years.  Using cuneiform puts the observer in the spatial rotations of math and physics as mind as language the way we first communicated as fully awake beings. It is the only way we communicated and why using these symbols quickens the field around us to reflect our rotations of creation coming down like the star painted on the stones shows us through the field of our observation, the way the brain is grown in us to function most naturally.


The cuneiform stone is a powerful symbol to take oneself out of this to break free to new ground of quantum land to secure safety good health to cease ageing sickness to prosper faster to wield science as the observer knowing what it is with the authors work. We are nonpublic there are no stocks to buy for privilege of buying anything on this site, we only support sovereign business activity. Author Marilyn Starlight has created modern artifacts that will increase in value.


Do not listen to others' messages about my work trying to divert you, some attempts were there to stop it by the old regime. Ignore it, there is urgency about this exert your right to buy. 


Price includes gift box, velvet pouch and stone, shipping by courier, handling and taxes.







$1300 CA Amethyst star and rose quartz fish heart set of two stones.


$1000 CA each larger stone.


$675 CA smaller stones.


$400 CA quartz transparent stones.


$350 Glow in the dark pairs, two stones star and fish in a set, acrylic resin, aqua blue stones.


$400 Lapis  lazuii star cubes with hyperspace dots. 





Cuneiform stones each come with a velvet pouch to protect them and a gift box. Care is wipe with a soft cloth do not rub the stones image, they are for contemplation. Each stone is hand painted and will look original in its style and design. by the author and artist, who also has a featured art website for her images.

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The cuneiform stones may be used a variety of ways a quick one is during your focus for the day that is the star they day will come down like the light of the star illuminating it and the fish is the object to look at as it shimmer swimming in the quantum field of the ether in the result of the focus from the morning such as in the authors teaching Le Petite Cafe in Marilyn Starlight's Articles on line. 


The other is with a gold checker board as you track the progress of your projects.  Where can you get one?  No where no one decoded alchemy except for this author enough to make them at the time of this writing.  Get thick sketch paper, small  gold paint, small royal blue paint a ruler and create one  if you want to work with this.  Seven rows in length is enough. They now make watercolor metallic paint in gold, good for use with sketch paper  or acrylics. Cover paper with blue paint inside your decorated border drawn if you want one. Draw the squares with a pencil and ruler  very softly your chosen size larger enough to place a cuneiform stone. then fill in the gold squares over the blue paint which makes metallics stand out more.  You may also make one with wood and acrylic paint some art stores carry this medium also as paint boards, or flat canvas. Now youre a master with your own modern artifacts. Place your name on the board sign it for extra powerful effect of your observer. Use with your stones after your focus place the stone on the board on a blue square during it, see the board is yoru day in front of you as well as longer periods of project completion, any.  When you finish your focus  move the stone to the gold square this represents your quantum vibration of gamma waves that fired in the brain coloring your DNA with the focus  eg youre going to a ballet recital to perform this would color yoru DNA for top performance and other projects whatever else you need genticaly falls into place from yoru command center the observer. If there are more steps to the project you place the stone in another square forward blue one and focus again till its complete day by day. when you look back the board is gone and anew one is begun using this same board as metaphor for your focus. 






















Someone asked if you can make your own stones?  Of course,  use acrylic paint and dry well, however these are custom designed for your enjoyment of fine art by the author and convenient to order.


Carry the stone with you in the day to remind you in your soft velvet pouch provided in your purse or leave at the office if it helps you to remember your focus. It is little artifact reminder of you are building in yoru life. You now have what some termed the philosophers' stone, what they of the freemason  or builder of civilizations as you consciously awake to it and participatory using tools of the quantum field. Your observer understands strong force of the star bringing for the god endowed supernatural human or divine observer  and understanding that you're in higher bandwidth where short phenomenon happens all the time hyperspace jumps to healings to skipping a foot on the side walk or more as you walk teleporting for ward glowing a little in your biology carrying more UV blue light that stops illness ageing as you do it.   The focus is lost if you move into streaming backwards in time too much in memory stay memory as things you accomplished like on a board even family life and stay present with yoru work. 


Remember the stars in the sky are a grid pattern of light the fish is as if held in this grid that is the being in hyperspace encoded activation in the double helix. so the biology rides through negative space visible light UV blue X-Ray and gamma. The double helix is like telephone cord twisted with ladder rungs. This is instructed to carry the different vibrations curling the being up as if the ladder rungs collapse and the  molecule glows up to different frequencies  that hwen youre flying in a space ship hyperpaced that creates worm hole burrowing through space it looks like a different kinda of high bandwidth flower pattern glowing enfolded the cells have shed mass and are a higher geometry in biological strong force. It begins as a stretched stream in black shining with UV blue aura emanating then transparent white with uv aura then golden then Golden with pink aura for most adept people the whole person is  flying like  shining star the organs body curled alive not dead where the NDE take some brain mass and leave behind a biology thatch is why those adept no longer NDE th e whole biology curls up and the flower resembles the star like the cuneiform which is made of 8 lotus stalks in the language representing all directions of hyperspace the god or divine observer symbol in the builders first language on earth ours. In momentum it looks like a shooting star but faster flying even teleporting on earth down a block . Remember catching the big fish in your corporate or any net, as is in our language from the first civilization, is simply creating an experience they are looking for they rove in a faster space time in the quantum sea of opportunity and are drawn to your design.


So the command center is the observer that becomes that star in it's DNA  (that came from the vacuum of space originally like all observers, our pupils that are dark like it, in the eyes with the iris contracting to observe in faster hyperspace and expanding to narrow in on an observable far away so if you were to flip there teleported, your eye would then be contracted in the iris again arriving, this shows turns in the mind of how the observer does spatial rotations at the same time at the same time if you wer to teleport there or fly on a ship you would be ridding the DNA ladder stripping mass to glow to have biological strong force as your torque to get there just like ships technology we will build to rind in one day.  When you do a BME star spin you curl up the mass of the molecule double helix this way, people will see you transparent wondering where you are sow with using the cuneiforms tar walking in the day you may disappear with the excursive here presented without any help from visiting ET's this has occurred. when you fly in a ship it is like the eye flipping to a new coordinate riding tht double helix to strong force flipping it is not linear travel past visible light it flips power up turns to gamma pink and flips disappearing and reappearing somewhere else it show the travel. The super strings of the observer incarnating into the biology sets the program of that with potentials to utilize it fully through hyperspace described from hertz like the science charts  use of light spectrum to  gamma firing in tis biology are the )  that encodes the fish the biology represented in the ether moving with double helix through different vibrations so it is rudimentary yet very  advanced training for ridding any kinds of space ship later. Telomeres get brittle when people grow old and that is the part of the DNA that carries different wavelength light frequencies of the spectrum through the DNA to hyperspace. Read the books please to understand more and take a correspondence course if you would  like to be adept at this science as god on earth or divine observer as the freemason wake and building a better world and to the stars to find a new home before the star dies as is indicated is happening by science reports on global warming and increase in solar flare activity with thinning of its corona. 






















In the ancient Egyptian tablets decoded in the author's books, they serve cakes and what appears to be fruit on a platter which is really serving up the big fish his food. The pharaohs dresses had what  appeared scales on them and the eye microscopic is layered that way as well so the food for the advanced work big fish at the times of the serving of the platters was uranium to build ships with that was disguised as other creatures and imagery other ship building info is in the scenes you may read about in the books in more detail.  Different birds were also used to symbolize flight as well as the cow the vessel that would consume the uranium and fly.


This is the work of Marilyn A Starlight the gift for humanity to participate in fully informed awake and building our future.  Reading this information with a physics or science dictionary is advised if you have trouble understanding it. So for the authors books.  Work of the author is independent from other organizations from her own ascension into hyperspace without any space craft into the vacuum of the cosmos and back to earth from Canada lower mainland in 2005 documented by space craft of visiting andromedans.


I recommend you study this and my other work  for now later watch for DVD series on BME courses instruction including preparation for anti - gravity space ship flight science theory in event that ships are built to buy one day for transport in the event of global warming and there is not enough room on what government builds if it does to move families off the surface here. It is a what if to be prepared in the event of such, this information only.   There is a requirement to fly hyperspace ships that get to a new galaxy in 15 minutes on a triangular vessel to 60 hours on a round hyperspace vessel not 60 days a space station fleet would travel in with food and supplies and slower ships would run out of, hyperspace would not need the supply, requiring training for such. Food disintegrates on hyperspace ships when they fold space time, the only thing that comes back right is what we observer like our clothing it is the same, so food is limited on those ships. To fly anywhere good health is needed like astronauts and some training. You have rights to know what your DNA can do regardless without fear of perishing as the only alternative. That is the most advanced work with the Blue Matrix Energetics, Golden City Enterprises and the cuneiform stone info here to begin to build the fish with the star strong force power within you.   Till then enjoy your growth with the work owning all time in your own lives, as these were your first symbols as sentient advanced humanity on earth in the first civilization. - Marilyn Starlight


For more information about Blue Matrix Energetics new biological energy work with new science theory by the author, contact us about our correspondence courses.



The big Kahuna food for this big fish is the cuneiform stone work.

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Cuneiform star squares with hyperspace dots. These are cute as a button and power packed with spatial rotation power of focus tools for your checker board and in the world focus tools. In lapis lazuli. 

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