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Your Golden City Order


What is it you wish to say to your customer from your offerings that will lead them to discovery of something brilliant you have designed and or sell?  What is unexpected and new you want them to know about?  In a TV series written by our author there is a five star very posh restaurant hidden from the average citizen, camouflaged as the One Star Diner that no one will want to go to by name, yet everyone finds it by invitation who is from Golden City, a place where magic and the unexpected lives.   The author writes for film and TV for Hollywood so she is very good at designing moments for business as if out of the cinema for a little side trip adventure for your customers they will remember you for as innovative and filled with delight.  In Golden City orders we use the eclectic, the unconventional to work with you  to design something spectacular from the author's Alchemical Laboratory of ideas you may order from her line of goods and services called Golden City, for the evolved client. 


If you have multiple businesses, we can build your order for a spectacular promotion of  a series of occurrences that take the customer through your businesses Golden City style. 


Order your Godlen City Order today and you get to use a golden city key original art below to identify your participation in Godlen City Marketing to customers!

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Key 1.jpg

 Golden City Art Portal

Enter the Golden City Art Portal to discover Golden City Enterprises artist Marilyn Starlight's 'Aryana' collection of art work, she is unique in the world with her art style that features a hand painted holographic technology special effect, created by her.  


Fine art prints and limited editions are offered as well as originals that come with reproductive rights for your image you purchase.  This is then a five star Golden City order image you can use for your business as well  to build a richer experience for your customers.  We give a standard, original art symbol from her art work otherwise for all Golden City orders for golden humanity to enjoy.  Enter into picture.



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