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Golden City Key

A Golden City Key is a basic design from our offerings of an eight pointed star in momentum of manifestation.  The  origin of this star is our first ancient  language of superconscious people from Mesopotamia who were builders of extraordinary cities and technologies.  The star's meaning was, 'I the superconscious being is here building from higher hyperspace reality down to this plane.'  Our design is a modern and unique of this star key that is included with the marketing to use as a basic static symbol or to render your own design in animation of it that we suggest with the consulting and marketing promotion creation working with your design people.   They key is adaptable to different designs as long as it has the momentum in it of intent.  When you buy your marketing consultation and design of the promotion to build with your marketing people you get the star key with it that identifies a Golden City participant.  Golden City marketing is intended for those who are looking for super conscious provoking exceptional goods and services that are defined as Golden City for welcoming those awakening to golden humanity, those who are more awake and seeking each other and their goods and services. Golden City also creates interest in from the general population with the magic and wonder of its offerings in futuristic and or retro artifact like discovery suggested in its marketing in certain instances.   Your company covers the cost of production for any of the promotions, we create them, script them and are in fact designers of them for in store, satellite or video promotion of your corporate advertising and promotion work.


The Golden City Key is to compliment the work of film and TV projects written by the conceiver of Golden City,  Marilyn Starlight from IMDb and IMDb Pro, screen writer and performer.  When people watch the TV projects and films they will be astounded with real Golden City reality manifesting in the world around them, as life imitates art for full participation of dreams coming true of good will to man kind with higher consciousness design of advertising to engage.  Corporations there fore are able to participate in this construct with high end goods and services or deluxe offerings from their current assortment by purchasing a Golden City Key in temporary partnership for the duration of the promotion, with Golden City Enterprises and all its offerings for the public as our goods and services, the author's books on new science theory and decoding of ancient history, her feature films and TV show and her art work are examples of A and E with science oriented presentations.



PR For All Our Enterprises

Golden City Enterprises also does all the PR for our Enterprises such as the Marilyn site for screenwriting for Hollywood, Blue Matrix Energetics, Marilyn Starlight's Art,  Golden Humanity Centers and anything else we need to bring to corporate and public attention through our marketing and advertising expertise.  While we do not do PR for other businesses we do provide busienss writing and consulting services through this and our other sites.


Our business is friendly and respectful to others in business with unique innovation.


Here is presented a star key in a lock  to a building that holds Golden City content as metaphor. 


Honorary Golden City Key Winners

Golden City Key awards are given on rare occasion to companies we find brilliant in presentation of quality of product  or service presentation that inspires higher consciousness evolution from experiencing or using it.  There is no application process we find and select the companies.  Visiting some of the winning places these are the land marks of our times and some of the goods the new artifacts to seek out. that will retain great value in the future years.

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